Vim spell checking is awesome
Vim spell checking is awesome!Unfortunately, I have been pretty ignorant to it:
I did know about commands:
- ]s moves to next misspelled word.
- [s moves to the previous misspelled word.
The winner of the day is
z= which triggers the Vim suggestions!
On example sentence " is a templated class" I go to templated by ]s and trigger suggestions by z=.
See the suggestion list in Figure 1 below. The spell checking suggestions are influenced by my vimrc settings (, especially if using Czech spell checking).
Figure 1:
Change "templated" to:
1 "template"
2 "templates"
3 "temp lated"
4 "template D"
5 "templed"
6 "template ed"
7 "tempested"
8 "tempted"
9 "template de"
10 "template do"
11 "temperated"
12 "template's"
13 "Temp lated"
14 "tempi lated"
15 "template ad"
16 "template id"
17 "template yd"
18 "tempo lated"
19 "teem plated"
20 "template a"
21 "emplaned"
22 "emulated"
23 "team plated"
24 "term plated"
25 "template DD"
26 "template Ed"
27 "item plated"
28 "tam plated"
29 "tamp lated"
30 "tea plated"
31 "tee plated"
32 "temp laded"
33 "temp luted"
34 "tom plated"
35 "tum plated"
36 "temp elated"
37 "template dz"
38 "template nd"
39 "template pd"
40 "template rd"
41 "chm plated"
42 "temp later"
43 "temp plated"
44 "temp late"
45 "ten plated"
46 "them plated"
47 "template C"
48 "template I"
49 "fem plated"
50 "gem plated"
51 "hem plated"
52 "hemp lated"
53 "rem plated"
54 "tel plated"
55 "temp bated"
56 "temp dated"
57 "temp fated"
58 "temp gated"
59 "temp hated"
60 "temp laced"
61 "temp laked"
62 "temp lamed"
63 "temp laved"
64 "temp lawed"
65 "temp lazed"
66 "temp mated"
67 "temp pated"
68 "temp rated"
69 "temp sated"
70 "template x"
71 "em plated"
72 "temp lathed"
73 "stem plated"
74 "temp lasted"
75 "temp slated"
Type number and <Enter> or click with mouse (empty cancels):