cd, cd -, cd /path/to/directory, todo, cd .. # go to parent directory, cd ../.. # go two directories up
man man, search using /, jumping to occurrences vian and N
structure man man, $0 --help, synopsis command [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Basic commands
cp, mv, rm, touch, ln, sleep
(1 point) Print numbers 3300, 3301, …, 3333 from file which has 10000 lines. Prepare the file yourself. Numbers are stored each on single line and each number is located on the row with corresponding number.
Hints - commands seq, head, tail and man
(2 points)
Create a directory named test and empty files test/1, test/2, .., test/10.
Use vi or other editor and edit all of the 10 files and to each file insert one of your favourite songs/articles.
Change the time of modification for file test/8 so it is the latest.
List files in the test directories sorted by time. List just the directory test.
Merge the content of all the files in the test directory to one file called all
(2 points) Write a script which finds as many commands and functions which measure time both in shell and in C.
Present them in three columns (function name, man section number, one line function synopsis)
One point for one function
Find at least one C function
Describe how you think about the problem
(2 points) Prepare a short presentation (in Czech) about tr command
Explain to others how it can be used
Syntax and how to read the manual page
Use with echo and pipes (Pipes will be introduced next time)
Prepare at least three examples how it can be used
(2 points) Prepare a short presentation and a blog post describing how to get your Linux command-line at home
Include at least three options from list below:
ssh to Rotunda lab
Use Putty to ssh to Rotunda lab
Install Ubuntu 14.04/Debian 8
VirtualBox on Windows with Ubuntu/Debian
Docker on Windows or Linux
(1 point) Find a spelling or other error on the lab webpage and submit me a fix using Pull request (PR).