Week 3, Dialogue Systems
- Great homework submission! Thanks!
- Hands on and team work on DSTC2 tracker
- Setup account on https://gitlab.com
- Fork ds-dstc2
- Contribute
- Lecture recap
- TensorFlow intro
- Pytorch is welcome!
- (2 points) Implement your own dialogue state tracker using any means:
- Submit the result to your fork of ds-dstc2 repository
- Calculate F1 and accuracy
- Dialogue State Tracker is evaluated after each turn
- Evaluate the slots provided for you:
food area price_range
- (? BONUS points) for exceptional models/efforts: e.g. RNN, CNN models in TensorFlow/Pytorch and results about 60% in accuracy
- (1 BONUS point) compare scores on ASR hypothesis vs gold hypothesis vs ASR hypothesis which takes into account ASR score.
- (1 point) Write down alternative responses from a chit-chat system and evaluate performance of such system.
- E.g. write a unit-test computing BLEU score – use implementation above
- Elaborate on cases where your metric works and where it does not